The fastest way to obtain assistance is to raise a Support Ticket.


User Manuals
TelMe Employee Usage Manual Android App View Online
TelMe Employee Usage Manual IOS App View Online
TelMe Employee Usage Manual Web Portal View Online
PeopleHours & TelMe Administration Manual View Online
Quick links to specific sections in the manual
How2 manage duty schedules
How2 add a new employee to the system
How2 create recurring events / duties
How2 enable pop-ups to be used on your PC
How2 set multi-man check calls on an assignment
How2 enable and set TXT or SMS notification services
How2 edit public holiday dates
How2 view audit information for a specific duty
Notes on support
Please note that we are unable to provide support or assistance with matters relating to clients own IT equipment, infrastructure, software or internet connectivity.
PeopleHours requires HTML5 desktop compliant browsers to function, please note that technical support is only provided for current & widely used browsers and operating systems.
Gallinet support staff may ask you to use screen sharing whilst providing support and we use Join.Me & Skype to achieve this.

Client files and documents available for download
Telephone recording investigation request
Outsourced control room services clients should use this form to request any specific telephone recording to be extracted for investigation.
New or Amended assignment detail
Outsourced control room services clients should use this form to advise control of a new assignment
Outsourced control room services clients should use this form to request training sessions relating to use of the PeopleHours application.
Our companies policy statement regarding GDPR.


I am extremely grateful for all the support with our invoicing and payroll, support have been extremely helpful and adaptable. So thank you very much to them.

Diane, MD, Cleaning Company
I would like to compliment your staff for the great customer service that we have had with Gallinet since we started. All your staff have always been very polite and showed great patience dealing with me over the phone.

We have always found a speedy answer to our queries. All staff are efficient and friendly and more than willing to help us through our up's and down's.

Kurt, FM Services Company
Both Control & Support very easy to deal with, nothing has ever taken more than a day to resolve, usually less than an hour.