Gallinet Company News
We are always quietly working away on behalf of our customers.
Now and again however we do have something to report, and we do so here.
Feel free to contact us with any questions or comments however.
We really do appreciate the feedback. Most of our best ideas have come from you!
July 2020
New PeopleHours Version Released
Jan 2020
New feature added - Employee Confirm Duties
Broadcast Duties
Duties can now be broadcast to your workforce as available allowing them to register their interest in working by viewing a list of duties.
Schedulers can then select from all qualifying responses and allocate employees accordingly.
Duties can be broadcast individually or in bulk, to specific employees or groups as required.
Notifications are sent to employees when allocated.
Enhanced WorkMonitor in TelMe
Supervisors and Managers now have access to greater options when using WorkMonitor in the field.
Duty times and employee allocations can all be changed out in the field allowing for far easier management of schedules.
Schedulers can now mark duties or work events as requiring confirmation by on site employees.
Employees can mark duties as confirmed from within their TelMe phone app.